Our Mission

To provide high quality early childhood programs, that promote the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development of our students in a positive environment, and empower low-income families to become self-sufficient.

Our Vision

REACH Services primary vision for parents is to empower families in their effors to eliminate any barriers to achieving self-sufficiency, while involving community collaborative as stakeholders.

The agency realizes that inherent in the provision of quality services is the need for ongoing planning, implementation, review, evaluation and revision of the program. These activities occur to ensure that Head Start Performance Standards, federal, state, local, and other applicable regulations are consistently met. This embraces the need for avoiding any gaps in the delivery of comprehensive child development services to low-income children. Developing School Readiness goals and activities will ensure that children will have ongoing opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful in school and for later learning in life. The ultimate goals are that children will be ready for school, families will become ready to support their children's learning and schools are ready to receive them.

Our Values

The provision and promotion of high quality program services, while adhering to a mission which ensures that standards of excellence exist through long term, positive, community partnerships.

  • The operation of an agency in a manner that promotes its success and integrity.
  • A systematic approach to achieving School Readiness for children while simultaneously having partnerships with programs, families, and the community.
  • Family Engagement efforts to build and strengthen our relationships with the families we serve.
  • Being sensitive to the unmet needs of our children and their families.
  • REACH Services, Inc.'s focus is to make a positive difference in the lives of the families we serve.